If Data is the future...Data Protection Officers will make a difference
As the role data have in people’s lives gains relevance, so does the safeguard of such data. The Data Protection Reform aims at ensuring these safeguards, and in that spirit, it introduces the obligation for certain Public Entities and Companies to set up the figure of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), a professional in charge of privacy and cybersecurity issues related to data, who shall act in an independent manner.
In the effort to support every actor involved in the implementation of such measures, TAtoDPR will organize specialized Training Activities to implement the new European Privacy Regulation.
Data Protection Officers will be expected to exercise a vast amount of functions while interacting with company employees and National Privacy Authorities. This position will undoubtedly require a multi-disciplinary set of skills, which is precisely why TAtoDPR intends to devise courses to provide the necessary knowledge and build the fundamental competences for performing DPO duties.
Our PartnersHistory of a shared project
Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa (UNISOB) has a prestigious tradition of studies in legal subjects, and particularly in data protection and privacy, also thanks to a lab where legal studies are compared with technological innovation (www.centroscienzanuova.it with particular regard to UTOPIA Lab and the ReCEPL – Research Centre of European Private Law). UNISOB Legal team has already obtained several recognitions for its research activity in the field of privacy.
Loughborough University (LBORO) has the ambition to further knowledge and understanding through internationally-recognised research, to influence the economic and social development of individuals, businesses, and communities. Having a consolidated experience in Ergonomics and Human Factors, it has been selected for providing support in developing the part of courses in which data will be considered from the perspective of users.
The University of Seville (USE) is an institution that provides superior education by means of teaching and research activities. USE combines the values of tradition and innovation, pursuing quality and excellence in all its activities. With its solid expertise in legal studies and privacy, USE’s contribution will be fundamental for the project, particularly so since the Spanish Data Protection Agency has launched a certification scheme for Data Protection Officers.
With its excellent reputation for industry-relevant degree programmes in the UK, The University of Derby (DER) has the means and the ambition to foster technology and innovation in all sectors. DER will contribute to the project by delivering courses in the UK, while at the same time providing an interesting perspective on the Data Protection Reform implementation in the aftermath of Brexit.
RE: Lab (REL) is an innovation-oriented Italian SME, focused on engineering interaction between technologies, including data, and people. RE:Lab will provide solutions and expertise for simulations of use cases, while also developing a concrete framework where TAtoDPR-trained DPOs could run operational tests and actions. RE:Lab will also contribute with dissemination activities for the project.
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